Euclid First Light Images
Explore the first images release from the Euclid space telescope. Discover the full-field-of-view and zoomed-in versions of the VIS (VISible imager) and NISP (Near-Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer) images, along with the intriguing NISP grism image. Delve into the fascinating story behind capturing these visuals, the meticulous procedures involved, and the team's dedication throughout this remarkable journey.
Caption: DE (Laila Linke), IT (Silvano Tosi), HUN (Andras Kovacs), FR (Audrey Le Reun), ES (Guadalupe Cañas Herrera), FA (Teymoor Saifollahi), EN/CN (Yuzheng)
Video Credit: Euclid Consortium
Euclid in a nutshell
April 24th, 2023