Euclid Data Products

ENSCI has produced a detailed description of Euclid Data Products. Click here to view it. Note that Euclid data are proprietary to the Euclid Consortium until the public data releases, following this timeline.

Early Release Observations (May 23, 2024)

Next Data Release: Q1 (March 2025)

The main component of the Q1 data shall contain Level 2 data of a single visit (at the depth of the Euclid Wide Survey) over the Euclid Deep Fields (EDFs): 20 deg2 of the EDF North, 10 deg2 of EDF Fornax, and 23 deg2 of the EDF South. The deep fields will be visited multiple times during the mission. Click here for the scope, content, and data product definition of Q1.

Relevant Documents for Q1:

EUCL-EST-ME-8-018, EST memo: Q1 fields definition, detailed list of expected Q1 products, 2024-07-04
EUCL-EST-ME-8-007, EST Memo: Q1: Euclid's first public data release - scope and content, 2022-10-06
EUCL-EST-ME-8-014, EST Memo: Product definition for the Q1 data release, the list of SGS Q1 data release products as recommended by the Euclid Science Team (EST), 2023-08-14