NASA Proposal Support for Euclid Funding

NASA has issued the first call for proposals for the "Euclid General Investigator Program" (EGIP),  to solicit proposals for basic research focused on data from the Euclid mission. The proposals should only include data that will be public at the start of the proposed programs. Mandatory NOIs are due August 22, 2024, and proposals are due October 3, 2024. The Planning start date is March 2025. This program will evaluate proposals using dual-anonymous peer review. Click here for more details. 

The following information may be useful for proposers:
(1) NASA Solicitation for Proposals
(2) Key Euclid references
(3) Complete list of Euclid Consortium publications
(4) Euclid data products (details of Q1 data release which will be public in March 2025, the specified planning start date for proposed projects)
(5) Frequently asked technical questions about Euclid
(6) NASA funded Euclid science teams in the US (duplication of work already funded is not allowed)
(7) To request help from ENSCI regarding Euclid, send email to ensci-support *AT*