NASA has announced plans for a Euclid General Investigator (GI) Program as part of Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences – 2024 (ROSES-2024). The Euclid GI program solicits proposals for basic research relevant to the Euclid mission. In particular, it solicits research on the analysis of data from the Euclid mission due to be in the public domain by the time the proposed research project is funded.
Proposals are expected to be solicited this year, but final details and dates are not yet determined. For more details including updates, click here.
The first Euclid public data release will be Quick Release 1 (Q1) in 2025. The main component of the Q1 data shall contain Level 2 data of a single visit (at the depth of the Euclid Wide Survey) over the Euclid Deep Fields (EDFs): 20 deg2 of the EDF North, 10 deg2 of EDF Fornax, and 23 deg2 of the EDF South. The deep fields will be visited multiple times during the mission. Click here for the scope and content of Q1, and here for the product definition of Q1. Click here for the timeline of Euclid public data releases.